
(IAAC) Obj: M13 - Inst: ASM 200mm f/6 dob


Observation Poster: Drew Smith <regansmith@earthlink.net>

Observer: Drew Smith
Your skills: Beginner (< one year)
Date/time of observation: 5/18/02 11PM MST
Location of site: Pawnee Grasslands (Lat 40.6, Elev 5100 ft)
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 6 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: II <I-V Seeing Scale (I best)>
Moon presence: Minor - crescent or far from object
Instrument: ASM 200mm f/6 dob
Magnification: 42, 67, 84, 134, 170, 340
Object(s): M13
Category: Globular cluster.
Constellation: Hercules
Data: mag 7.0  size 
Position: RA :  DEC :
Wow ... a beautiful sight at all magnifications.  Could begin resolving
individual stars at 42X.  At each increasing magnitude more of the cluster was 
resolved, although winds of 10-20 mph limited the use of high magnification.
Seemed to be an outer shell of brighter stars surrounding a mass of dimmer stars
at the core.  At 170 and 340X, although there was a glow of faint, unresolved
stars at the center, this glow was patchy and uneven.  The cluster has something
of a star shape, with a row of brighter stars across the "top".
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