
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 6231 - Inst: Celestron SC 8´´+ HEQ5 mount


Observation Poster: Jorge Solera Marín <jsoleram@wanadoo.es>

Observer: Jorge Solera Marín
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 01/07/2003  22h 30 UT
Location of site: Sta Ursula  Tenerife (Spain) (Lat , Elev )
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: 7 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Celestron SC 8´´+ HEQ5 mount
Magnification: 32x , 52x
Object(s): NGC 6231
Category: Open cluster.
Class: Open Cluster
Constellation: Sco
Data: mag 2.6  size 15´
Position: RA 16:54  DEC - 41º:48
Observed on little increase (32x), they are possible to count 16 stars
of 5ª to 7º magnitude, blue and white, emphasizing four that they form 
a trapezial quadrilateral, and two located towards the northwest of 5ª magnitude.
If it is observed from clean and dark skies, around the most shining stars 
certain degree of cloudiness is intuited.
Sight to greater increase (52x), alignments and two or three binary systems
of relatively easy resolution are observed.
In NGC 6231 one is in addition, one of the few stars Wolf-Rayet type,
that can be observed. It deals with stars supermassive, generally forming
binary systems, with temperatures superior to 50 000 º K,
very luminous (10 5 to 10 6 L sun) which they let save great amount of matter 
of his surface, and contain great amount of ionized heavy elements.
The star that is in the northeastern corner of the quadrilateral previously
described (HD 152270), is a star of this type, mag. 6.7, 
associated to a 13,30 mag, O type  separated 4.3´´.

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