
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 1232 - Inst: Vixen 9x63 binoculars


Observation Poster: Stéphane Meloche <stephanemeloche@videotron.ca>

Observer: Stéphane Meloche
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 2004/11/13 04h55 UT
Location of site: Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley, Québec, Canada (Lat 45.4542°, Elev 316 m)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5,9 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing:  <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Vixen 9x63 binoculars
Object(s): NGC 1232
Category: External galaxy.
Class: SABc
Constellation: Eri
Data: mag 9.9  size 7.1x6.3
Position: RA 03:10  DEC -20:35
In Eridani, at 2½° NW of tau4 Eri. Galaxy of low size and
stellar in apparence. At the beginning, I was not sure of my
observation because of a star very close magnitude 9,2 (HD
19744). However, the description of the galaxy on my verbatim
indicates that, by alternating direct/averted vision, the objet
appears and disappears successively, which is sufficient to
generally confirm the observation.
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