
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 4216 - Inst: Vixen 9x63 binoculars


Observation Poster: Stéphane Meloche <stephanemeloche@videotron.ca>

Observer: Stéphane Meloche
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 2006/04/30 3h53 UT
Location of site: Coaticook (Qc), Canada (Lat 45.17°, Elev )
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 5.2 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing:  <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Vixen 9x63 binoculars
Object(s): NGC 4216
Category: External galaxy.
Constellation: Vir
Data: mag 10.0  size 7.8 x 1.8
Position: RA 12:16  DEC 13:09
In Virgo, at ~ 6° E of Denebola (Bêta Leo). I can observe this spiral only with averted vision. By studying the galaxy more in details, I perceive a lengthening of the object in an orientation NS, which, after viewing a DSS image, is in conformity with reality. The object is very weak (magv = 10,0), at the limit of my binoculars. I observe an other object, exactly at the position of galaxy NGC 4206 (magv = 12,0, not ehough bright for 9x63). I am unaware of what can be this “appearance” since there is no regrouping of weak stars at this precise spot. 
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