
(IAAC) Obj: IC 4669 - Inst: Brennweite 12 inch F/4.1 Dobsonian (homemade)


Observation Poster: Steven H. Yaskell <steven.yaskell@wtnord.net>

Observer: Steven H. Yaskell
Your skills: Advanced (many years)
Date/time of observation: August 24, 2006 /2150 UT
Location of site: Stockholm, Sweden (Lat 59:33, Elev 61m/200ft)
Site classification: Suburban
Sky darkness: 5 <Bortle Scale (9 worst)>
Seeing: 6-7 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Brennweite 12 inch F/4.1 Dobsonian (homemade)
Magnification: X40, X80
Filter(s): Deep Sky, OIII
Object(s): IC 4669
Category: Open cluster.
Constellation: Cygnus
Data: mag   size 
Position: RA 20:c.20  DEC c.+36:
Slewed c. 2 degrees of M 29 downward and at X40 without filter discern
slight angular glow in location of IC 4996. With Deep Sky notice more 
background glow around entire object. To me it resembles "backwards question
mark," the question mark head consisting of c. 8 stars, and one asterism that
could be BU 442 (?), in a tight triangle. I count 14 stars altogether in the
entire "backwards question mark." X80 power resolves this sight, not X40. OIII
at X40 shows a remarkable amount of background glow around entire object.
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