
(IAAC) Obj: Tr 1 - Inst: Vixen 9x63 binoculars


Observation Poster: Stéphane Meloche <stephanemeloche@videotron.ca>

Observer: Stéphane Meloche
Your skills: Advanced (many years)
Date/time of observation: 2006/09/01 6h28 UT
Location of site: Coaticook (Qc), Canada (Lat 45.14°, Elev 420m)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5.8 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing:  <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Vixen 9x63 binoculars
Object(s): Tr 1
Category: Open cluster.
Constellation: Cas
Data: mag 8.1  size 4.5'
Position: RA 01:35.7  DEC 61:17
In Cassiopeia, at ~ ¾ ° NE of M103. Tr 1 is an extremely small open cluster, one
of smallest than it was given to me to observe. Its tiny size gives him a
stellar appearance. I confirmed this observation with Herald-Bobroff AstroAtlas
and by alternating direct vision with the averted vision by using star HD 9696.
When I employed the averted vision, the star and Tr 1 appeared but when I
returned to the direct vision, only HD 9696 continued to be visible. Without
surprises, no individual star was observed. The open clusters NGC 663, NGC 659,
NGC 654 and M103 in the same FOV.
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