
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 2264, Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Nebula - Inst: Brennweite 12.5 inch Dobsonian (homemade)


Observation Poster: Steven H. Yaskell <steven.yaskell@wtnord.net>

Observer: Steven H. Yaskell
Your skills: Advanced (many years)
Date/time of observation: March 13, 2007, 1950 UT/GMT
Location of site: Stockholm, Sweden (Lat 59:33, Elev 61m/200ft)
Site classification: Suburban
Sky darkness: 5-6 <Bortle Scale (9 worst)>
Seeing: 6-7 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Brennweite 12.5 inch Dobsonian (homemade)
Magnification: x25, x80
Object(s): NGC 2264, Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Nebula
Category: Open cluster.
Constellation: Monoceros
Data: mag   size 
Position: RA 6hr:38.4n  DEC 09:56
At x25 see the entire asterism to include the Cone Nebula at S. tip, 
the EGG (star forming) region similar to that of the Eagle Nebula not 
visible. The field is over 30´ with this power. At X25 the N. "base"
 central star at mag 6 or so has a small dusting of outliers which at
 x80, reveal three sets of pairs at the same or similar mag (8-10?)
around the 6th (or so) mag star. At this time of the year the asterism 
sinks into the west, giving me a finer, easier view than it would in
 mid-winter. And yes, I see the resemblance to a Christmas tree. Stunning
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