
(IAAC) Obj: M 13 (NGC 6205), NGC 6207 - Inst: Brennweite 1250mm (12.5 inch) F 4.1 truss Dobsonian (homemade)


Observation Poster: Steven H. Yaskell <steven.yaskell@wtnord.net>

Observer: Steven H. Yaskell
Your skills: Advanced (many years)
Date/time of observation: April 13, 2007, 2230 UT/GMT
Location of site: Stockholm, Sweden (EU) (Lat 59:33, Elev 61m (200 ft))
Site classification: Suburban
Sky darkness: >5 <Bortle Scale (9 worst)>
Seeing: 4, 5? <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: Minor - crescent or far from object
Instrument: Brennweite 1250mm (12.5 inch) F 4.1 truss Dobsonian (homemade)
Magnification: x47, x76, x95, x152
Filter(s): UHC, Deep Sky
Object(s): M 13 (NGC 6205), NGC 6207
Category: Globular cluster.
Class: V
Constellation: Hercules
Data: mag >5  size >10´
Position: RA 16hr:c.40  DEC +36:
NOTE: Correction to all Brennweite entries for me on powers 
(may be obvious). I have been using powers calculated to my 4.8 
Bresser refractor (!)Sorry. My actual powers (for focal length 1905mm) 


Thank you.

x47 shows the two 6 or so mag stars that frame in the object to the right
and left, a very good sight with the fuzzy ball at 20´diameter. A filter 
helps bring contrast out somewhat. Averted vision is very impressive with
this object and when you use it, you get a sense of M 13's size. x76,
x95 takes in the pair to the SW of the object, the 6 mag stars no longer seen.

At these powers I think I see NGC 6207 below M 13, but there are a few
faint glows here and >10 or so mag stars. 

x152 not only shows the outliers and the pair to SW very well but M13 
takes on a silvery, rose-shaped appearance, gaps and clumps on the
borders, and the outliers looking like bees returning to a nest. 

My Plössel (x196) with eyecup relief takes in the enormous amount
of light this thing generates: there is this glow. 

Locating this object w/ 10 x 50 Nikon Lookout II's shows the object 
looking like an approaching Klingon vessel in the original Star Trek
series, what with the pair of 6 mag stars side by side.

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