
Re: (meteorobs) soul & science (was Re: plot describe count)

>If I send them the NAMN Guide as a response, they will double-click the 
><DELETE> button on their mail program.

Just wanted to publically thank both Mark and George for the work they did in 
putting together the North American Meteor Network (not to mention encouraging 
your humble list admin :>). I'm currently trying to start up two other mailing 
lists (with less success than meteorobs so far), both with certain submission 
requirements to make them useful. And I can vouch for the difficulty that both 
Mark and George must have felt throughout, walking that line between scaring 
folks off with too much detail, and letting them get off track with too little.

An undertaking like NAMN (or the netastrocatalog or astroweather-sne, to take my 
two smaller examples), is NOT EASY! Thanks for your work, guys.

