
(meteorobs) FWD from Koschny: 2 hours of Perseids 1996

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Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 13:18:34 +0200
From: Detlef Koschny <KOSCHNY@pgate2.mpae.gwdgdot de>
To: imo-news@tu-chemnitzdot de
Subject: 2 hours of Perseids 1996

Dear all,

the night was bad... But awaking on my deck-chair at about 00h20m UT, I had
reasonably clear skies with lm around 5.5 and no clouds. In the following please
find my preliminary observation report. Magnitude distributions are also
available, but not yet generated. For info only, I calculated a ZHR from my 
However, see Notes 1 thru 3, so be careful when interpreting the given values.

Most Perseids had a persistent train of about 0.5 to 2 s duration. I saw two 
- -6 fireballs with several flashes at the end. The highlight of the night was a 
mag stationary meteor in Perseus with a few seconds persistent train. I saw the
maximum activity, as predicted by some, around or after 1h UT with ZHRs far 

Even though I watched out for them, I saw almost no activity of the other
streams, only a couple kCg's and two from Aquarius. What happened?

I observed from my backyard in B"uhle, close to G"ottingen, Germany, at 9d59'21"
E and 51d39'13" N, h = 190 m, IMO code 16034. I did not plot, counts only.

Here we go:

Intervall   T_eff F   lm   Per kCg Aqu Cap Spo ZHR HR remarks
20h44-21h13 0.48 4(!) 5.5  2   0   0   0   0   =   =  bad data, clouds!
23h09-23h41 0.53 1.14 5.5  11  0   0   0   3   80  15
00h21-00h57 0.60 1    5.5  31  0   0   0   4   163 20
00h58-01h42 0.68 1    5.5  45  1   2   0   3   198 13
01h43-02h14 0.52 1    5.5  28  1   0   0   2   154 12

Note 1: Consider the given ZHRs as *very* preliminary, I used a planisphere to
estimate radiant altitude
Note 2: The r-value of the Perseids was assumed to be 2.6
Note 3: Compared to other observers, I am known to give a lower limiting
magnitude. Thus, the ZHR values might well be on the high side.

Intervall = start and end time of interval in UT

T_eff = effective observing time in hours
F = cloud cover correction factor
lm = limiting mag, determined by counting stars in IMO's reference triangles
Per = no. of observed Perseids
kCg = no. of observed Kappa Cygnids
Aqu = no. of observed Aquarids (N/S etc. not distinguished)
Cap = no. of observed Capricornids
Spo = no. of observed sporadics
ZHR = ZHR of the Perseids
HR = hourly rate of sporadics (no zenith correction, r = 3)


Detlef Koschny

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