
Re: (meteorobs) Meteor colors

Do folks often tell you you have a jaundiced perspective, Wayne? x^*

Seriously, has anybody ever done studies (I'm sure SOMEBODY has :>) on how faint 
color perception changes with fatigue and/or "eye training"? I know the rods 
take as much as a half-hour to regenerate rhodopsin and [mumblemumblemumble] 
reestablish night vision. But does the sensitivity of the *cones* actually 
increase as the night goes on, or maybe decrease with vision fatigue?

By the way, I found a couple of neat jump-points for references on human vision, 
if anyone's interested in the biology of perception like me! Check out:
	http://cvision.ucsddot edu/database/text/intros/introbleaches.htm
And a really techy reference list:
	http://molbio.cbs.umndot edu/biophys/bj/94/66-photobio.html
Also here's a non-scientific paper by a local Boston amateur:
	http://www.joviandot com/atmob/Articles/AstroAndEye.html

Clear skies (and eyes),
