
(meteorobs) Hello from Gran Canaria. Canary Islands

Hello.This is my first E-mail for meteorobs.

   Firstly, I am sorry. My english is not very good;"It is horrible"
however, I will try to writte something 

   My name is Frank Rodriguez. I am a amateur astronomer of Gran 
Canaria. Canary Islands. Spain. I am an astronomical organization 
called Agrupacion Astronomica of Gran Canaria. I love the meteors.
A lot of nights, I See the sky and I study the meteors.
My observations go to  the I.A.C. (Instituto de Astrofisica of 
Canarias) and too to I.M.O. You can see my name in ballfires's
list of IMO, beetwen January and Dicember of 1996.

Are You ready for The Acuarids ?

Bye, bye. 

P.D. I am trying to learn more english. I am sorry now.

Francisco Alberto Rodriguez Ramirez.
Agrupacion Astronomica of Gran Canaria
Cabreja Mountain Observatory. San Mateo
Gran Canaria. Canary Islands. Spain.
Lat. 28 o 00' 00'' N.
long. 15o 28' 15'' W. 
e- Mail -> Farr@neumann.teleco.ulpgc.es