
Re: (meteorobs) Question?

Lew asked about early evening meteor observing:

>However, what's NOT clear to me is why data collected in the premidnight
>hours is not SCIENTIFICALLY USEFUL? In fact, why it is not just as
>valuable, in terms of identifying or resolving possible minor radiants at
>least, as the after-midnight observing is... Anyone care to explain it to
>this youngster?

Hi Lew, I could not hazard a guess as to why it's not "scientifically
useful" since I am one who believes it is. I do feel for many it is less
interesting in general due to the low rates. This of course, results in all
of us, me included, sleeping during the evening to get the radiant
elevations and better early morning rates.

In this particular case, I advised Jonathan to observe in the early evening
due to his restrictions on time. But, Wayne brings up an interesting twist
to the subject. There may be times when early morning sessions are out of
the question due to family or work, while an hour or two before midnight is
workable. This might be a way for our members to coordinate even more

Mark Davis
MeteorObs@charlestondot net
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
Coordinator, North American Meteor Network
Assistant Coordinator, ALPO Meteors Section
Visit the NAMN home page at:
	http://medicine.wustldot edu/~kronkg/namn.html