
(meteorobs) Oct 8 Meteor Observations

-- [ From: Robert Lunsford * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

I watched for 6 hours this morning from home. I had been keeping an eye
on sky conditions all evening and for the most part it was partly cloudy
. At 11:00pm skies were cloudy toward the north and east so a trip up to
the observatory was cancelled. I decided to watch from home under decent
but definitely unspectacular skies. I had no problems from clouds as
they stayed close to the north and eastern horizon. Activity was a bit
slow and completely lacking in bright meteors. Nothing brighter than +2 
or fainter than +4 was seen. It was an odd night and only a total of 20
meteors were seen. Three of these were possible members of the Taurid
0630-0730 UT    0.98   5.30    1 OAR   2 SPO   3 TOTAL

0730-0830 UT    0.96   5.37    2 OAR   3 SPO   5 TOTAL

0830-0930 UT    0.99   5.15    1 SPO   1 TOTAL

0930-1030 UT    0.98   5.05    3 SPO   3 TOTAL

1030-1130 UT    0.97   5.15    4 SPO   4 TOTAL

1130-1230 UT    0.98   5.07    4 SPO   4 TOTAL

The data includes: Universal time for each block of time, actual percent
of an hour spent watching (reductions were due to plotting), average
limiting magnitude for each block of time, and shower activity seen. SPO
= sporadic (random meteors). OAR = October Arietid (Taurids)

The sky was clear in my field of view all morning. There were no
obstructions and no breaks were taken. I faced due east at an altitude
of 70 degrees all morning.

Beginning Temperature/Relative Humidity:   60 F  (16 C)   70%

Ending Temperature/Relative Humidity:   55 F  (13 C)   77%

Bob Lunsford

San Diego, California   USA