
RE: (meteorobs) FWD: Leonid Weather in Europe

1.  Denver is hard clear and very cold for this time 
of year.  Some of that cold air appears to have lost its way, and slipped down from up north where it usually is.  Ho Ho.
2.  There was some discussion about observing from
boxes last winter.  Has anyone tried doing it from inside 
their car?  I plan to be looking away from the moon 
anyway.  I plan to keep my video recorder inside
the car, and just have my telescope and cameras 
outside for the Leonids.
3.  I plan to alternate with another person watching from
the car with the other person inside the host's house warming up.  Would not want to miss someting big.  They should be 
able to get outside in about twenty seconds if the car
horn sounds.  Anything I have not thought of?

From: 	Wayne T Hally[SMTP:wayne.t.hally@bangate.tek.com]
Sent: 	Friday, November 14, 1997 10:17 AM
To: 	meteorobs@latrade.com
Subject: 	(meteorobs) FWD: Leonid Weather in Europe

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 12:01:16 +0100 (CET)
From: Marco Langbroek <marcolan@stad.dsldot nl>

Subject: Re: Leonid Observing Weather Prospects

Hello George and others,

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