
(meteorobs) Meteor Observations July 2/3 ZAYGE

Well...got my third night of meteor data recording done this morning for July.
It was another very clear and dark night. My LM was around 6.0 all night. I
observed for about 3 hours. I plotted 38 meteors total. Their shower breakdown
won't be done until sometime next week when I have time to make my report. The
brightest was a -5 Slow moving Blue colored fireball. It might be a
Capricornid, but I'm not sure where the radiant is located. I will have to
make that determination when I make up my report. It's not likely I captured
it on film though. Bob was up there again also...I'll let him talk about his
efforts. My next observations will be sometime after the full moon.
George Zay