
(meteorobs) Events for 98

I found the following information and decided to pass it along. Forgive
me if is common knowlege.

The follwoing meteor showers are expected in the ramainder of the year:

Date   Name            Z-hr  RA         DEC     Illumination   Longitude

10/13  Piscids         ?     1hr44min   14deg   0.38           200deg
10/22  Orionids        25    6hr24min   15deg   0.05           209deg
11/3   Taurids         8     3hr44min   14deg   0.99           221deg
11/17  Leonids         10    10hr08min  22deg   0.02           235deg
12/8   Puppids-Velids  15    9hr00min  -48deg   0.70           257deg
12/13  Geminids        75    7hr28min   32deg   0.24           262deg
12/22  Ursids          5     14hr28min  78deg   0.14           271deg
12/25  Puppids-Velids  15    9hr20min  -65deg   0.41           274deg

Z-hr is for Zenith Hourly Rate
I am unable to attest the accuracy of the information.

Take care
Gregory david Stempel
