
(meteorobs) high rates

The enternal conflict in science is to remove the human element from the data.
Whether it be an observational bias or the sheer emotion of seeing meteors at a rate that overwhelms the senses.
When a meteor shower becomes a storm and meteors are coming in at multiples per second, the estimations will vary greatly among observers at the same site.
I think the only cure would be to have such rates become a common experience so that the emotional plane would not reach quite so high.
I missed the '66 storm from south texas for contractual reasons (a long night of study to pass a calculus exam and thus remain exempt from the draft).
But those in my group who returned to the dorm that morning were so animated that they woke the entire second floor. Two of the quotes I recall.... query: Were there any fireballs?
"Fireballs!! There were blueballs redballs....there were so many we couldnt even count! There had to be 100 a second at times."   and "You could feel the Earth travelling through space as they streamed by."
So, I'm not sure we could be objectional enough even if we tried. 