
(IAAC) Obj: NGC4559 - Inst: 55CM / f:4.1 / StarMaster


Observation Poster: James (Jim) Anderson <madmoon@bellsouth.net>

Observer: James (Jim) Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 03112002/02:45EST
Location of site: Phelps Lake, NC (Lat 35:44, Elev 20')
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 8/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 6/10 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 55CM / f:4.1 / StarMaster
Magnification: 120X, 22mm X 1.15 ParaCor
Filter(s): None
Object(s): NGC4559
Category: External galaxy.
Class: E8
Constellation: Vir
Data: mag 10.9v  size 4.2' x 1.2'
Position: RA 12:36.9  DEC +07:14
120X-NGC is an elliptical spiral, possibly barred. The structure is not plainly
visable. There is motteling in both the halo and the core. Ther are two dark
lanes , one down the West side next to the core an a fainter one that cuts
across the minor axis South of the core just under the brightest star in the Eastern edge of the halo. The Northern ansi seems longer and more pointed than the Southern.
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