
(IAAC) Obj: NGC5139 Omega Centaurus - Inst: 56Cm, f:4.1, StarMaster


Observation Poster: Jim Anderson <madmoon@bellsouth.net>

Observer: Jim Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 04072002 / 23:52EST
Location of site: Clark Cr,  NC (Lat 35:35, Elev Sea level)
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 9/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 7/10 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 56Cm, f:4.1, StarMaster
Magnification: 48X, 220X
Filter(s): UHC, O-111, H-Beta
Object(s): NGC5139 Omega Centaurus
Category: Globular cluster.
Class: 8
Constellation: Cen
Data: mag 3.7  size 36.3'
Position: RA 13:26.9  DEC -47:28.6
48X-NGC5139 is awsome at first sight, it's big (Huge) and softly bright!!
Omega fills almost 2/3 of 52* APFOV. The central area appears evenly dense for
about 1/3 the glob's diameter then it gradually fades away toward the outer
fringes. Omega is aglow with yellowish stars and with a few stars with red or
orange hue and there are some small dark areas which may be areas of obscuring
matter or more probably voids. As with any random distribution, there appears
many short arcs and linear strings of stars which are attractive. I searched
for so-called blue stragglers, but if there were any they were too dim to
recognize because most dim stars begin to appear blue to me. The Globular is
highlighted by 11 easy to see foreground stars brighter than 11 mag. Acording
to the Tyco data there are 23 stars of 12 mag. or brighter superimposed on the
Glob's disc, but they are lost in the multitude of similarly bright cluster

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