
Re: (meteorobs) Plotting During Major Showers

-- [ From: Robert Lunsford * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --


Luckily I have a good memory of the night sky and can usually describe
a meteors path fairly accurately, that is for all constellations except
Camelopardalis. I have not mastered that one at all!

I have plenty of tape so that is no problem. My eyes are kept on the
sky so no time is lost while recording.         An example of a taped
plot would be:

A 1st mag. sporadic beginning 3 degrees south of  Almach (Gamma
Andromedae) and ending 1 degree north of Enif (Epsilon Pegasi) lasting
2 seconds.

I probably average less than 5 taped plots per hour. Something
interesting must occur for me to describe a meteors path. Most
sporadics are simply recorded with magnitudes and duration. 

