
(meteorobs) My Perseid Observations (late)

Meteor Summary

DATE: August 12, 1997 PDT (UT - 7:00)
LOCATION: Table Mountain, WA (lat 47.2516785 long -120.5761414 elev 6350 ft.
OBSERVER: Gregg Lobdell

              Elapsed               Non     Total
Start   End    Time    Perseids  Perseids  Meteors
-----   ----  -------  --------  --------  -------
0:38    0:52    14        11         5        16
0:54    1:05    11        18         5        23
1:41    1:51    10        15        12        27
1:52    2:04    12        18         4        22
2:08    2:23    15        21         5        26
2:28    2:39    11        12         3        15
2:46    3:00    14        22         6        28
3:01    3:12    11        15         4        19
3:13    3:25    12        19         7        26
               ---       ---        --       ---
Totals         110       151        51       202

Limiting Magnitude?  Well, I could see seven or eight stars in the
Pleiades during the period of observation.  What kind of limiting
magnitude does this give?  Is there a good online source for limiting
magnitude charts.  What is the best source?

Gregg Lobdell                             Voice: 425-234-0884
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group            Fax: 425-234-5775
Seattle, WA, USA                       InterNet: gml@atadot ca.boeing.com