
Re[2]: (meteorobs) NAMN LM Charts

At 08:26 PM 10/18/97 -0400, George Zay wrote:
>I was just looking over the NAMN Limiting Magnitude charts on their website.
>I know  the listed star count area locations quite well. But if you are using
>the star charts on the NAMN site as a guide because you don't have the
>various star count areas memorized, you might find it difficult to figure out
>which stars are the end stars of the star count areas?

  George and others,

  I, too, have found the NAMN star field/star count charts difficult to
  use... especially in the field..  What I HAVE found to work for me is the
  following... Table 2 of the IMO On-line Major Shower analysis handbook
  gives a wonderful listing of all the "corner stars of the fields for the
  detmination of limiting magnitude" by star count area.... with this table
  and a pencil, I have lightly outlined star areas in my Wil Tirion 2000.0
  Star Atlas...  Problem solved.
