
(meteorobs) More Questions, RA,Decl

OK, I've been trying to track this stuff down a little. If I understand
correctly RA 0, Decl 0, would be just South East of the great square of
Pegasus. Right? So the center of the Great Sq. would be about RA 355, Decl
22. Is that about right? The approx center of Cassiopeia would be about RA
17, Decl 61. ? Am I getting this? So, according to my info ;

"Activity from this meteor shower is visible from about July 23 until
August 22. At the time of Maximum on August 12/13 (J2000 solar
longitude=139.6 deg), the radiant is located at RA=47 deg, DECL=+57 deg.
The hourly rate typically reaches 80, although some years have been as low
as 4 and as high as 200. The meteors tend to be very fast, with an average
magnitude of 2.3, and about 45% leave persistent trains. The radiant
advances by a rate of 1.40 deg/day in RA and 0.25 deg/day in DECL."

So tonight, Aug 4/5the radiant should be at RA 35.8 Decl +55? Is that
correct? ie  just to the west of the "point" of Perseus?

John N
