
(meteorobs) introdutony notes

My name is Marco Valois. I'm Brazilian (Recife, PE). I'm really interested in astronomy. As an amateur, I try to observe the skies, having chances to get as many phenoma as possible to add highlights to my curiosity. My degrees are: graduation in journalism and post-graduation in the USA. I also am very devoted about writing monographs (no more than 15 no less that 10 pages) about diferent fields. None of then was published. I have no time at all to follow all procedures, I guess. I also am very busy at home care, driving, sailing, reading, and watching films on tv the and/or theatres as well. So, as my time sounds very short, I do not have many hours to dedicate myself observing the skies. That's why, any time I get to do so, is precious.Therefore, in doing so, I collect as many news as I possible, dedicating my interests on meteors subjects. So, if I see something really interesting about meteors around, I will communicate to you. I also feel pleased if you do the same. My best regards to the whole team.mvallois@hotlink.com.br 
