
(meteorobs) Leonids from Italy

Dear friends,
I have had the fortune of being able to observe the leonids in the moment of the maximum in a period without clouds. Little before and after the observation in the zone it has made the rain. They have been little fireballs (only one) and with little luminous meteors, like in 1999.
The probable maximum has been around to 04h04m the UT.
Locality: Argentario, Grosseto (Italy)
Long:  11°.16 Est
Lat : +42°.40
H   :  100m
 from(UT) a   T.Eff Mag.Lim. Tot Leo Spor 
02h10m-02h20m 0.154h   5.0     3   3   -
02h20m-02h30m 0.129h   5.0     9   8   1
02h30m-02h40m 0.133h   5.0     8   8   -
02h40m-02h50m 0.088h   5.0     7   7   -
03h30m-03h35m 0.078h   5.0     9   9   -
03h35m-03h40m 0.078h   5.0    12  11   1
03h40m-03h45m 0.078h   5.0    11  11   -
03h45m-03h50m 0.078h   5.0    15  14   1
03h50m-03h55m 0.078h   5.0    32  30   2
03h55m-04h00m 0.078h   5.0    39  38   1
04h00m-04h05m 0.078h   5.1    54  52   2
04h05m-04h10m 0.053h   5.1    35  34   1
04h15m-04h20m 0.050h   5.2    19  19   -
04h20m-04h22m 0.020h   5.2     8   8   -
Magnitudo (from 02h10m a 02h50m UT):
   0   +1   +2   +3   +4       Mag.Med. Trail   %
  4.0  6.5  5.5  5.0  5.0  LEO   2.02    10   38.5
   -   1.0   -    -    -   SPOR  1.00     1  100.0
Best regards,
Roberto Haver
