
(meteorobs) Reformatted rate report


Not being one to give up easily, I herewith submit what
I hope will be my September rate report, in a format readable
by all.  If not, well, I tried:>!

LM is the average limiting magnitude for the entire session.
Teff the the total time spent observing for the given hour.
Rate is the number of all meteors seen for the given hour.

Date    1:00     2:00       3:00      4:00    5:00
31/01    .80      .87        .48
+6.26     10        9          6
9-2/3    .67      .83        .82
+6.10      7        5         11
9-3/4    .20      .85        .93       .30
+6.29      3        9         11         7
9-4/5    .37      .82        .88       .90
+6.34      5        7         11        12
         6:00     7:00      8:00      9:00     10:00
9-6/7             .90
+5.95               7
9-8/9             .85       .28
+5.97              11         4
9-10/11  .87      .85       .85      .92
+6.16     10       12        12       18
9-11/12  .77      .77       .85      .90       .07
+6.35     16       10        17       17         2
9-12/13           .82       .82      .92
+6.34              15        16       17
9-13/14           .67       .55
+6.58              10        10
9-16/17           .78       .93      .33
+6.57              10        17        2

Date           3/4     4/5   6/7    8/9
Total Teff     2.22   3.03  1.05   1.13
Rate              1      1     1      2

Date          11/12  12/13  13/14  16/17
Total Teff     3.28   2.54   1.33   2.03
Rate              8      4      2      2
Date        8/9    10/11   11/12  12/13  13/14 16/17
Total Teff   .13    3.34    3.28   2.54   1.33  2.03
Rate           1       4       6      6      2     2
Date      31/01   2/3   3/4   4/5   6/7   8/9  10/11
Teff       2.15  2.26  2.22  3.03  1.05  1.13   3.34
Rate         25    23    29    38     5    12     41

Date      11/12  12/13  13/14  16/17
           3.28   2.54   1.33   2.03 
             48     38     16     26
ATR (from SPO)
Date    6/7   8/9  10/11   11/12  12/13  13/14  16/17
Teff   1.05  1.13   3.34    3.28   2.54   1.33   2.03
Rate      1     2      8      16      9      1      1

