
(meteorobs) last on flaming meteors

I've noticed the apologies to Lew regarding this topic. Sorry, I wasnt aware that this would be considered 'off-topic'.
With regards to responses so far...  Both have been concerned with the correctness of statements made in my inquiries.
The article I referred to was the 1974 Sky & Tel story on the grazer. This was rebutted with studies made 20 years later utilizing advances in technique and which refute the statements in the S&T article. All well and good but completely miss the point of my inquiry. I referred to the S&T article to stimulate conversation regarding possible lower limits to a meteor's size which would, in fact, generate a kinetic event sufficient to 'start fires'. I did not refer to the article to initiate debate over the correctness of statements.
There have been literally hundreds of postings here scoffing at reports of fires started by impacts. (The arkansas event I recall particularly and now this most recent event) . We have established beyond question that these have been to small to cause fires. Which begs the question HOW BIG THEN?  Yet in spite of my efforts to stimulate discussion by raising this very question (to which I obviously dont know the answer) all responses past and present merely focus on the correctness of comments rather than addressing the meat of the inquiry.
Having said that, if no one here has the expertise to speculate ... could you recommend another site where I may direct the inquiry.
(Of course there is no definitive answer as there are many variables but certain limits could be established for more restrictive parameters)
